BioDiem Entitlement Offer Prospectus November 18, 2015 • Category • Author Name
By accessing the BioDiem Limited Entitlement Offer Prospectus contained on this website (a copy of which has been lodged with ASIC), you must acknowledge the following terms and agree to be bound by them:
- A copy of this Prospectus was lodged with ASIC on 17 November 2015. Neither ASIC nor its officers take any responsibility for the content of the Prospectus or the merits of the offer of BioDiem Limited shares which are to be made under the Prospectus.
- The Prospectus is subject to a 7-day exposure period (which may be extended for a further period of up to 7 days) during which ASIC may examine the Prospectus and, if it identifies any deficiencies, may require the Prospectus to be replaced or supplemented.
- Consequently, no BioDiem Limited shares are offered on the basis of the electronic Entitlement Offer Prospectus and if you wish to subscribe for shares under the Offer you will need to complete the relevant application form accompanying the hard copy Prospectus which will be distributed after expiry of the exposure period.
- During the exposure period, BioDiem Limited is not permitted to process acceptances or applications, nor will BioDiem Limited confer any preference on any acceptances or applications received during the exposure period.
- After expiry of the exposure period, the offer of BioDiem Limited shares pursuant to the Entitlement Offer Prospectus will be made only to residents of Australia and to existing BioDiem Limited shareholders resident in Hong Kong. No action has been taken to permit the offering of BioDiem Limited shares in any other jurisdiction.
- For legal reasons, the information and electronic Entitlement Offer Prospectus provided by this website is available to persons having their registered address in, and accessing it from within, Australia only. If you are accessing this website from anywhere outside Australia you should not download it. By accessing this website you are taken to confirm you are doing so within Australia.
- The information on this website is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Nothing contained on this website or in the Prospectus constitutes investment, legal, business, taxation or other advice, nor does it take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should seek advice from your own professional advisers in relation to the Prospectus and investment in BioDiem Limited.
- Subject to the terms contained in this notice, an electronic copy of the Entitlement Offer Prospectus may be viewed or downloaded. You should ensure that any copy you download or print is complete.
- Due to foreign securities law restrictions, you should not forward the Prospectus to any person outside Australia without the consent of BioDiem Limited.
- By accessing the Entitlement Offer Prospectus you are taken to have confirmed that you have read and understood the notice and agree to these terms. If you are an Australian resident and you would like to receive a paper copy of the Entitlement Offer Prospectus including application form, please contact the Company Secretary on +61 3 9692 7222 and a copy will be sent to you free of charge.
(By clicking on the link to access the Entitlement Offer Prospectus you are agreeing to the above acknowledgements.)
BioDiem Entitlement Offer Prospectus